Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tablature Editor For Mac, Anyone?

Most musicians use computers these days, but that doesn’t mean that music is losing its soul, as some people claim. After all, you can even write classical music using a computer, it doesn’t really have to be done using a feather, and writing it all down in the pale light of a candle…

…and since a lot of artists are using Macs, why not use it to run a tablature editor? I know, I know – most artists you can think of that are also Mac users are into graphics design or related fields, but I also happen to know some guys using Macs in a recording studio, so it’s more than meets the eye.

Today’s tablature editor for Mac is simply called Tablatures, and the last version, labeled 1.13, was released a few hours ago. According to Tellini, its producer, this is “the first and only Mac OS X editor for PowerTab tablatures.”

Its main features are the following:

  • Export tablatures in MIDI format for playback or use in other applications (for instance, GarageBand)
  • Advanced playback of the tablature: follow the playback on screen, loop over selected parts, slow the tempo down for practice sessions
  • Create beautiful prints of the tablature: you don’t need to stay in front of your monitor to play along your favorite song
  • Share your music even with those members of your band that don’t own a Mac: Tablatures and PowerTabEditor share the same file format
  • Read and play most GuitarPro 3-5 tablatures

A shareware product, Tablatures can be ordered for 39 EUR via the official Tellini website, where a trial version is also available.