Saturday, July 27, 2024

Advantages of an Embedded Network


Our lives have become extremely dependent on electricity, gas and telecommunication services. Without electricity, we can’t run any electrical appliance while can’t charge any of our phones or laptops or other such gadgets. We can’t run the internet or make phone calls through a landline without telecommunication services. And we can’t even cook our food without gas supply. Whether it is an office with multiple employees or a small house with only a couple living in it, the need for electricity, gas and telecommunication services is equally important to help run everything normally. The point to understand is that the consumption of these utilities is a necessity and there is no way that their usage can be cut down so as to save the enormous cost spent on paying the bills of gas, electricity and telecommunication services. While the dependence on these services can’t be ended, costs can be saved on the bills without cutting down the consumption of these utilities. You may wonder as to how this is possible? This is possible with the help of establishment of an embedded network.

Such networks actually work on the principle that the aggregate bill paid by each tenant present for similar utility consumption is more than the same utility consumed by a single tenant or entity. This means that if each tenant in a building consisting of multiple flats pays their own bill directly to the service provider, they would give more money as they would be charged normal rates (low demands of each tenant). However, if the same tenants combine their demands and ask for services as a single entity as a part of a network, they would be charged discount rates (bulk demand of the combined multiple tenants). This is how every single tenant can save costs on their utility bills. For such purposes, an energy management solutions company would have to be contacted.

The tenants are not the only one who would save costs as the network owner or operator would also reap some financial rewards too. The network operator would be the one who is in charge of the building, the office or the residential area which is being transformed into a network. The operator would deal with the utility service provider and purchase the utility in bulk at discounted rates. He would then distribute the utility to the tenants within the network at discounted rates too while keeping a profit for himself as well. This bodes well for landlords or business owners who can get some extra cash through this process.

Other than these two benefits, it becomes easy to monitor the consumption of utilities by tenants in a network too. This is largely beneficial for businesses which want to keep an eye on their employees and their utility consumption. Take a business which gets one bill for all of its electricity consumed. If it makes a network out of its office and then makes each room a tenant of the network, the energy consumption of each room can be monitored. As a result, it can help in reducing energy consumption too with everyone on high alert that energy can’t be misused.