Sunday, September 15, 2024

How To Replace iDisk, Part II

Replace iDisk

In Transmit when you are doing an operation on one of the files, this will happen right away. If you delete a file then Transmit is going to remove it from the remote server. If you perform a double-click on a file or if you select it from an open dialog then Transmit is going to download and cache a version on which you will be able to work.

Once you save it, Transmit will send the updated version on the remote server where it will replace the current copy. The downside of Transmit which is also the disadvantage of iDisk would have to be that the user’s interaction with the content is related to the broadband connection’s speed on which the user operates.

What this means is that if you want to do a double-click on a 50MB file in order to edit it then Transmit will make you wait until the file with the size of 50MB has been downloaded locally. The same situation applies for when you make a change to the file and save it as the updated version will be uploaded again. As far as Net Disk is concerned, just is just like iDisk but with the sync option activated. We should mention that this would have to be an extension of the Mirror feature in Interarchy and the user has the possibility to select if Net Disk will synchronize the modifications to the computer, from the computer to the server or in both ways. In most of the cases, the user prefers both so that it can simulate a real volume. It is important to note that when you will make a first Net Disk mount and have Both Ways or Download mirroring set in the Mirror Mode, the program is going to do a copy of all of the remote files and after this happens the changes will be synchronized back & forth. So, when you are saving on the Net Disk an updated file, this file will be saved immediately locally and Interarchy will be uploaded in the background. Needless to say, Interarchy is not really recommended when you are operating with large files where there are involved lots of GB of traffic so for those situations you might want to consider Transmit.

In order to create a mountable disk in Interarchy you have to choose File > New Net Disk and after that select from the Protocol menu the type of connection. Next, enter the connection’s credentials. You should know that Interarchy is going to fill in the Local field on its own with the server’s name if no path has been set, or with the last directory if there is a path established. You are able to modify this by accessing Set and after that picking your preferred local folder. We recommend leaving Mirror Mode set to Both Ways. The final step is to click on Mount. For Transmit, choose one of the available connection methods, enter the suitable details and after that click on Mount as Disk. For unmounting the disk from the Finder you must access File > Eject “Volume Name” and after that press Command-E. You are going to view this drive in a Finder window from where you can hit on the Eject button or you can do a right-click on that volume and choose Eject.